Amazing Home Disinfection Services
in San Antonio, New Braunfels, Timberwood Park, Schertz and Area
A 100% safe, non-toxic disinfection service that kills the flu, staph, MRSA, mold, mildew and more!
We have customized room, touch-point, and whole house treatments to protect the areas you need.

Why choose Alamo Steam Team?
Safety First – Our disinfectant solutions are 150 times less toxic than normal chemical cleaning agents & disinfectants. Our solution also will protect against surfaces from 30 days to months depending on the surface.
More Coverage – Wiping down surfaces in your home takes a lot of time and is very ineffective. We use a patented electrostatic sprayer that provides an electric charge to our solution and allows for an protected even coverage.
Proactive Protection – Rigorous testing by both independent and World Health Organizations approved laboratories confirms that RAZOR™ Antimicrobial Coating has been proven to reduce the growth of microbe populations on surfaces by up to 99.99% and will continue to inhibit their return for months!
How It Works
RAZOR™ Antimicrobial Coating prevents the growth of a wide array of bacteria, mold, mildew, algae, and yeast. The Antimicrobial Coating acts like a bed of microscopic spikes that pierce the cell walls of microbes offering a totally new approach to providing long lasting Antimicrobial protection..
Traditional disinfectants use a leaching or poisoning process and once dry they become ineffective. They are also able to leach into and harm the environment. Another benefit to a mechanical process is that the Antimicrobial Coating has been proven not to create “super-bugs” that build up resistance to treatments.

Are You Ready to be Proactive From Spreading Illness Around the House?
Don’t compromise when it comes to your family’s well-being. Reach out to us at (210) 599-9726 or you can email to book your Home Disinfection service. Let us help you create a sanctuary that’s not only welcoming but also free from potential health risks. Take action now and give your family the protection they deserve.
Our Services
Our RISK-FREE Guarantees For You
We'll save you both TIME and MONEY because our process, equipment and procedures will keep your carpets cleaner longer!
Your 100% Satisfaction is our GUARANTEE!
Peace of mind - No harmful chemicals! Safe for your kids and pets
Fewer allergies and illness - Less sick days for you and your family
We get tough stains out